Bart must pass a critical history test or he will be held back a grade.

Homer's life changes dramatically when he purchases a miracle hair growth formula.

In a series of tales, the Simpsons buy a house that is possessed by evil demons; then they are captured by aliens; and finally Homer plays a hero in a 'Simpsonised' version of a classic poem.

Homer supports Mr. Burns in his bid for governor, but Marge remains loyal to Burns's political opposition.

Homer becomes the official mascot for a major league baseball team.

Homer and Ned Flanders pressure their sons to win a miniature golf championship.

Bart learns the true meaning of Thanksgiving when he runs away from home after having an argument with Lisa.

Bart is determined to leap a gorge on his skateboard after witnessing the death defying stunts of a real daredevil.

Marge initiates a protest movement against gratuitous violence on television when Maggie begins acting aggressively after viewing Itchy and Scratchy cartoons.

When Mr. Burns hits Bart with his car, Homer is enticed by a disreputable lawyer to sue him.

Homer believes he has only twenty-four hours to live after he eats an improperly prepared blowfish.

The Simpsons' TV breaks down, so Marge regales the kids with the tale of how she and Homer met and fell in love, in spite of Homer's clumsy courtship techniques.

Lisa disapproves when Homer has cable television installed illegally into their home.

Selma is depressed and Marge wants Homer to find her a man, so he sets her up with Bart's principal, but the plan backfires when Skinner falls for the other sister, Patty.

Bart must help train Santa's Little Helper to pass an obedience course or Homer will give the dog away.

Grampa Simpson inherits $108,000 from a woman he falls in love with at the rest home, and has trouble deciding what to dow the money.

Homer embarks on a self-improvement campaign, by trying to lose weight, and Marge enrols in an art class to rekindle her talent.

While Bart is running for class president, Lisa falls in love with her substitute teacher.

Marge insists Homer accompany her for a weekend of marriage counselling at a wooded retreat, but Homer takes advantage of the location to attempt to catch a legendary catfish.

Bart and his friends pool their money to purchase the first issue of "Radioactive Man" comics, but then cannot decide who gets to keep it.

Homer expects a generous gift in return when he donates Bart's blood to an ailing Mr. Burns.